Guided tours
You can explore Drottningholm Palace by yourself, but a guided tour will ensure that your visit is particularly memorable.
Guided tours of the Receptions Halls
Saturdays; 11:30 and 14:30 in English
Sundays; 11:30 in English
*See opening hours for exact dates
Daily; 11:30 and 14:30 in English
The guided tours takes approximately 45 minutes, and tickets pre-buys here at website, or at the cash desk at Drottningholm Palace.
Audioguide in App
Audioguide is available for the Receptions halls at Drottningholm palace in the app 'Royal palaces' (Kungliga slotten). The app is free to download to your smartphone.
The texts are available in Swedish or English, and you can read them or have them read aloud. If you choose the latter, please use your own headphones to avoid disturbing other visitors.
App 'Royal palaces' at App Store External link.
App 'Royal palaces' at Google Play External link.
Free Wi-Fi is available at the entrance to download the app. You can also listen to the audioguides from home.
Guided tour of the Palace Park
The Royal Walks app will guide you through the World Heritage Site of Drottningholm Palace Park, from the royal residence, through the historic park and up to the exotic Chinese Pavilion.
The Royal Walks app (Kungliga promenader) can be downloaded free of charge. The text is in Swedish and English, and is illustrated with new and historic photos.
Royal Walks at App Store External link, opens in new window.
Royal Walks at Google Play External link, opens in new window.
After opening the app, choose Drottningholm, which contains four different theme walks.

Drottningholm Palace is on the World Heritage List. You can explore the Palace's halls with an audioguide or join the guided tours. Photo: Kate Gabor

Guided tours are offered year round. Photo: Kate Gabor/

There is a free audio guide in English for the receptions halls at Drottningholm Palace, which you download to your smartphone via the app 'Swedish Royal Palaces' in App Store or Google Play.

Activity trails on different themes are available for our youngest visitors. Photo: Kate Gabor

The app 'Royal Walks' gives you free guided tours in the Palace Park. Photo: Raphael Stecksén.